

The Arabic word ‘Madressa’ means 'school'. One of the objectives of the Islamic Centre is to promote the spiritual, moral, social, intellectual and physical development of our children. The Boys & Girls Madressa provides an opportunity for children between the ages of 5 and 12 to receive good instruction in the foundations of Islam (based on the Holy Qur'aan, the Sunnah, including Qur'aanic recitation and the Arabic language). Children are taught by experienced teachers to promote Muslim morals and manners and develop good character, personality and citizenship according to the teachings of Islam.  Boys and Girls classes are taught separately Monday to Friday to start at 5.00pm and finish at 7.00pm.  All students and parents are required to adhere to the policies for behaviour, attendance, uniform and hygiene governing the St Albans Boys & Girls Madressa. The Madressa's inclusion policy provides for individual educational and learning ability to be taken into account in all aspects of teaching and learning.